Mishou Magazine Issue #4: MYSTERY
This issue’s theme is Mystery. Mysteries are all around us: The deep sea, time travel, aliens in outer space… sometimes even the way we feel can be a mystery! Mystery books and movies are fun because we can transform ourselves into detectives, putting together clues and finding connections between details that we observe. It’s pretty exciting to solve a mystery. But not solving mysteries can be cool too! Humans often have the desire to figure things out, but it’s okay for us to not understand everything. In fact, that can make life a lot more interesting. If we knew all the answers, we would have nothing left to learn.
Inside you'll find a variety of mystery themed art, writing, and activities. Play a game of “I, Spy” using Jessica Butler’s poetic clues to discover hidden creatures in a magical garden. “Connect the Dots” with Payton Barronian to reveal a mysterious drawing. Cut out Sara Yukiko Mon’s cards to test your memory, and piece them back together to solve her puzzles. Help solve a ghost story, investigate mysteries that are unsolved to this day, and so much more!
Issue #4 features:
Marisa Takal, Jessica Butler, Nasir Flora Girvan, Audrey Helen Weber, Sara Yukiko Mon, Dena Seiferling, Payton Barronian, No School, 826LA, and more!
Mishou is an ALL AGES magazine, highlighting work by artists ages 15 and under, collaborations between generations, and interactive sections. Mishou aims to validate children's identities as individuals and artists, and encourage intergenerational engagement through the arts. 50% of each issue is donated to schools and non-profit organizations centered around early childhood arts education.
Find out more about Mishou Magazine at www.mishoumagazine.com